Boplaas White Muscadel 750ml
Candied pineapple, mango, lemon blossom, Eucalyptus honey, papaya, sun kissed raisins mingle with hints of spice, lemongrass and bursts of marmalade on this unctuous, complex sweet Muscat.
The ideal foil for spicy Indian, aromatic Thai, comforting Cantonese or Cape Malay dishes and best served chilled, this Muscat can also pair with fresh summer fruits, desserts, fine mature cheese or as a digestif. Alternatively, it can also be used in a host of cocktails or as a mixer with soda or tonic, mixed with lime juice or lemon as a refreshing spritzer. The Boplaas Muscadel is firm family favourite simply served ice cold and sipped by the fireside while watching another glorious African sunset.