Graca White 750ml

Graca White 750ml

  • $14.90
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Graça is loosely based on Portuguese Vinho Verde and is the best-selling white corked wine in South Africa, constantly selling more than 2 million litres per annum since 1990. Graça is a wine with a difference - in both taste and personality. It is widely known as seafood wine.

It is a nonvintage wine that comprises 3 varietals – Sauvignon Blanc, Semillion, and Colombard. Crisp, off-dry, and well-balanced with tropical fruit and citrus flavours.

Graça is a friendly, exuberant wine. It has warmth, charm, a "cheeky" personality, and a continental image. The blend appeals to both occasional and knowledgeable drinkers. The brand suits a fun-loving, outgoing lifestyle. 

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