JC Le Roux La Chanson 750ml
A lively, ruby-red sparkling red that reveals a delightful mélange of sweet, fruity flavours suggesting hints of strawberry and plum. Low in alcohol, this is truly a sparkling wine to add exuberance to any occasion.
The House of J.C. Le Roux is South Africa’s only cellar dedicated entirely to the craft of making sparkling wine. Located in the heart of picturesque Devon Valley on the outskirts of Stellenbosch, the cellar is the country’s leading sparkling wine producer and is recognised for its passion, craftsmanship and expertise, making fun loving bubblies and fine vintage Cap Classiques to suit every palate.
The grapes are sourced from selected established vineyards in the Stellenbosch area planted between 1974 and 1982 at altitudes ranging from 160 to 215 metres above sea level to impart complexity to the wine. This sparkling wine is made predominantly of Pinotage grapes blended with other red varieties such as Shiraz and Cabernet Franc.