JC Le Roux La Fleurette 750ml
The House of J.C. Le Roux, South Africa’s leading sparkling wine producer and first dedicated cellar with French Huguenot roots dating back to 1704 is a world-class destination in the heart of Devon Valley in Stellenbosch. Here passion and craftsmanship merge to create an exuberant range of sparkling wines that express their individuality and inner vibrancy to suit every taste, mood, and occasion. It all begins with the careful selection of grape varieties for their unique characteristics and flavor profiles allowing each sparkling wine in the Vivante range to express its own effervescent flavor enlivened by cascades of vivacious bubbles.
This sparkling wine is made of a blend of carefully selected white and red grape varieties, comprising Sauvignon Blanc (60%), White Muscadel (15%), Pinotage(20%), and Shiraz (5%). The grapes were harvested by hand at 21.5 - 23.7° Balling and placed in small baskets to prevent bruising. The color was extracted from the skins during the first 24 hours in the cellar. Fermentation is stopped by lowering the temperature to 0°C when the alcohol level of 7.5 vol % has been reached leaving 75 g/l of natural grape sugar in the wine. The sparkle is created by infusing the base wine with CO2