Melktert Lekker! Cream Liqueur 750ml
The wonderful “homemade” South African shooter that tastes absolutely delicious! “Melktert” is not a cream liqueur that tastes like the pudding milk-tart, “Melktert” takes advantage of the extensive awareness the “homemade shooter” already has, only our version through trial and tasting provides the perfect recipe.
How to drink “Melktet”:
“Melktert” is primarily a shooter, best enjoyed well chilled, try little cinnamon sprinkled over the top. “Melktert” is delicious over ice or crushed ice.
“Melktert” makes the best Springbokkies, and delightful Blowjobs, or try a Topdeck using
“Melktert” and Nachtmusic.
“Melktert” Pedros
“Melktert” Coffees as in Irish Coffee, or make a special Coffee substituting the milk for “Melktert”.
AVB: 15,5%